
Usefull links


some websites recommended by Planete Kayak :

Communauty & paddlers

Pagayeurs Marins, Sea kayak federation, working on law and regulation for paddlers, couldn’t do much without them !

Kayakistesdemer.org, forum of paddlers, who like sharing knowledges and paddles on the water

Kayakdemer.eu, forum of paddlers, who like sharing knowledges and paddles on the water

Kayakalo, a usefull link to find the proper place to launch or land

Cheerful Blogs for sea paddlers

Seappadler, le blog de Kevin Mansell’s blog, who knows so much about sea kayak history and share his knowledge and trips

Merci pour le kayak Armelle and Laurent ‘s blog, they share their sea kayak trips and expeditions; take over from blog d’Arzhela, where Armelle was keeping us up-dated with information about paddling in Brittany

Pagayeurs du Levant, blog of a group of French Mediterranean paddlers

Pagayeur d’Iroise, Jean-Luc ‘s blog

Commercial websites

Le Canotier, book shop specialised in publishing and selling books about paddling (sea, river, canoe…)

Plasmor, Breton / French sea kayak manufacturer

Navikayak, maps for paddlers, « made by and for paddlers»,

Cackle.tv, Justine Curgenven, sea kayak film maker

Howardfeffs, lots of clever and usefull equipment to fill in your repair kits

Who wouldn’t love to share some time on the water with them ???

Le tour de Bretagne par les îles,  Thierry P. write a lovely story about our trip around Brittany

The Kayak blog, la vie en xx-blue Thierry P.’s blog

Le Bonheur est sur l’eau, my own old blog, but haven’t time to keep it up to date…

Inari-rando, expéditions from Thierry L

Manche-ouest, from Stand Up Paddle to expedition, lots of knowledge

Ideas that I like to share

Sortir du nucléaire, strong belief

Le Peuple des Dunes en Trégor, not everything should be on the market to sell…


DVD : Kayaking the Aleutians : another adventure for Justine Curgenven
Justine Cackle TV ou Le Canotier.


Bretagne, 60 itinéraires
60 day trips in Brittany, should be updated in 2018, by 2 books for North and South Brittany, written by Véronique Olivier and Guy Lecointre. French and English version available too !
Une publication de La librairie Le Canotier, bien sur !

Kevin Mansell, Jersey Coach, publish the new muneric version of his books :
The A to Z of Sea Kayaking
The Channel Islands
Blog Kevin                        Site achat

Méditerrannée, Guide de kayak de mer
50 day trips in French Mediterranean areas, written by Laurent Demai and Pascal Paoli, Le Canotier.






Usefull documents when paddling with Planete Kayak !

Places to stay, ideas


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